Each November, we dedicate time for one-on-one business advisory and tax planning meetings. This way, we can discuss more than just taxes—we can review your revenue goals, KPIs, as well as your business and/or career aspirations and how we can help you realize them.

Click here to schedule your business advisory meeting.

Exclusively for Clients:
A “Tips to Close-Out the Fiscal Year” Webinar

As we prepare to ring in the New Year, we also usher-in changes.
And, we’re letting you know– our business-owning colleagues– that 2025
is certainly bringing about changes.

So, our gift to you is a webinar on Thursday, November 21, from 2-3 p.m.,
that addresses year-end considerations; Secure 2.0; and questions regarding the Corporate Transparency Act, FinCen BOI, and the 12/31/24 filing deadline.

To participate, please email Laura Hunter and she will forward the webinar link. 

The days are getting shorter, which means that the end of the year is rapidly approaching. And, therefore, so is the December 31st, 2024, deadline for small business owners to file with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) within the U.S. Treasury Department. 

If you need assistance, we can help! Email Gus Pappas to ensure your FinCen BOI filing is complete and timely submitted.

  • To begin, we will prepare an initial filing of your business entity to comply with FinCEN, which includes conducting a due diligence and risk assessment.
  • Next, we will identify and confirm the beneficial owners of your entity.
  • Then, we will electronically file the finalized initial BOI Report through our secure platform with FinCEN at the U.S. Treasury Department; and confirm receipt.
  • Finally, we will save your filing and confirmation in your secure Client Portal.

Gobble-Up a Spot at the Turkey Trot!

We’re proud sponsors of this year’s 8th annual Delco Turkey Trot™, which is the biggest Thanksgiving Day 5k in Delaware County, on Thursday, November 28th, at the Nether Providence Elementary School, located at 410 Moore Road in Wallingford, PA.

All race proceeds benefit the students of the school.

The Little Drumstick race kicks-off at 8:30 a.m.; the 5K Road Race, 9 a.m.

Register for the Race!

Please join us for our firm’s 25th Anniversary Party on Thursday, December 5th, 5:00-8:00 p.m., at Ship Bottom Brewery, 5 Park Avenue in Swarthmore, PA. 

We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate our success than by sharing it with all of you— our valued clients— and the community of Swarthmore. You see, this year also marks our 25th time participating in the annual Light-Up the Village toy drive. 

So, we kindly ask that you bring one unwrapped toy, for a child 1-10 years old,
to the party. And, if you don’t have time to shop, we’ll accept cash donations that evening, too. To RSVP, click the button below.

RSVP Here!

Map Your Route. Identify potential pitfalls and challenges, so you can establish specific workarounds and, ultimately, overcome obstacles.

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